Pláteník J: Biochemická podstata stárnutí. Klin. Biochem. Metab. 28(49): 132-138 (2020).
Riško P, Pláteník J, Buchal R, Potočková J, Kraml PJ: Long-term donors versus non-donor men: Iron metabolism and the atherosclerotic process. Atherosclerosis 272: 14-20 (2018).
Riško P, Pláteník J, Buchal R, Potočková J, Kraml PJ: The labile iron pool in monocytes reflects the activity of the atherosclerotic process in men with chronic cardiovascular disease. Physiol. Res. 66: 49-61 (2017).
Pláteník J, Fišar Z, Buchal R, Jirák R, Kitzlerová E, Zvěřová M, Raboch J: GSK3beta, CREB and BDNF in peripheral blood of patients with Alzheimer’s disease and depression. Prog. Neuropsychopharmacol. Biol. Psychiatry 50: 83-93 (2014).
Tento článek ve World Biomedical Frontiers
Krtil J, Pláteník J, Čuřík N, Brima W, Tesař V, Zima T: The protective effects of erythropoietin on rat glomerular podocytes in culture are modulated by extracellular matrix proteins. Kidney Blood Press. Res. 38: 142-155 (2013).
Gáll J, Škrha J Jr, Buchal R, Sedláčková E, Verébová K, Pláteník J: Induction of the mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT) by micromolar iron: liberation of calcium is more important than the NAD(P)H oxidation. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1817: 1537-1549 (2012).
Škrha J Jr, Gáll J, Buchal R, Sedláčková E, Pláteník J: Glucose and its metabolites have distinct effects on the calcium-induced mitochondrial permeability transition. Folia Biol. (Praha) 57: 96-103 (2011).
Čejka Č, Luyckx J, Ardan T, Pláteník J, Širc J, Michálek J, Čejková J: The effect of actinoquinol with hyaluronic acid in eye drops on the optical properties and oxidative damage of the rabbit cornea irradiated with UVB rays. Photochem. Photobiol. 86: 1294-1306 (2010).
Čejka Č, Pláteník J, Širc J, Ardan T, Michálek J, Brůnová B, Čejková J: Changes of corneal optical properties after UVB irradiation investigated spectrophotometrically. Physiol. Res. 59: 591-597 (2010).
Čejka Č, Pláteník J, Buchal R, Guryca V, Širc J, Vejražka M, Crkovská J, Ardan T, Michálek J, Brůnová B, Čejková J: Effect of two different UVA doses on the rabbit cornea and lens. Photochem. Photobiol. 85: 794-800 (2009).
Čejka Č, Pláteník J, Guryca V, Širc J, Michálek J, Brůnová B, Čejková J: Light absorption properties of the rabbit cornea repeatedly irradiated with UVB rays. Photochem. Photobiol. 83: 652-657 (2007).
Krtil J, Pláteník J, Kazderová M, Tesař V, Zima T: Culture methods of glomerular podocytes. Kidney Blood Press. Res. 30: 162-174 (2007).
Kovačeva J, Pláteník J, Vejražka M, Štípek S, Ardan T, Čejka Č, Midelfart A, Čejková J: Differences in activities of antioxidant superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and prooxidant xanthine oxidoreductase/xanthine oxidase in the normal corneal epithelium of various mammalia. Physiol. Res. 56: 105-112 (2007).
Pláteník J, Balcar VJ, Yoneda Y, Mioduszewska B, Buchal R, Hynek R, Kilianek L, Kuramoto N, Wilczynski G, Ogita K, Nakamura Y, Kaczmarek L: Apparent presence of Ser133-phosphorylated cyclic AMP response element binding protein (pCREB) in brain mitochondria is due to cross-reactivity of pCREB antibodies with pyruvate dehydrogenase. J. Neurochem. 95: 1446-1460 (2005).
Čejková J, Vejražka M, Pláteník J, Štípek S: Age-related changes in superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, catalase, xanthine oxidoreductase and xanthine oxidase activities in the rabbit cornea. Exp. Gerontol. 39: 1537-1543 (2004).
Čejková J, Štípek S, Crkovská J, Ardan T, Pláteník J, Čejka Č, Midelfart A: UV rays, the prooxidant/antioxidant imbalance in the cornea and oxidative eye damage (minireview). Physiol. Res. 53: 1-10 (2004)
Pláteník J, Stopka P, Vejražka M, Štípek S: Quinolinic acid-iron(II) complexes: slow autoxidation, but enhanced hydroxyl radical production in the Fenton reaction. Free Radic. Res. 34: 445-459 (2001).