Laboratory for Endocrinology and Metabolism
Laboratory for Endocrinology and Metabolism (LEM) founded by professor Josef Charvát has been existing as one unit with 3rd Department of Internal Medicine since its beginning in 1957. In 1963 the laboratory of radioisotope methods was created and it facilitated development of methods used in both endocrinology and metabolism as the main aims of clinical department. Laboratory of isotope methods of the 3rd Department of Internal Medicine was associated with the Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory diagnostics in October 4, 2004. It was in LEM where insulin was for the first time determined in Czechoslovakia. LEM had clinical and physiological background and was the leading scientific workplace at medical faculty. It was there where the TRH existence was discovered, some metabolic consequences of ionizing radiation were described, digoxin-like substance was forecasted and other important descoveries have been performed. Professor Vratislav Schreiber was the chief of LEM for many years and Professor Jan Škrha continues as a chief at present time.
The laboratory covers the needs of clinical endocrinology oriented mainly on hypothalamo-hypophyseal system, adrenals, parathyroid glands or endocrine pancreas and on diabetes, lipid metabolism, obesitology and bone metabolism, as well. The laboratory explores new methods in the research of adipose tissue and of oxidative stress.