Projects and grants
Jan Kvasnicka, Prof., MD., PhD. - Principal investigator:
RVO-VFN64165: Diagnosis and treatment of of genetically determined disorders.
Jan Kvasnicka, Prof., MD., PhD. - Co-investigator:
NT 12425-4: Standardized flow cytometry as a tool for rapid and
sensitive diagnosis in hematology - the introduction Euroflow protocols
in the Czech Republic.
NT 13251-4: Impact of thrombophilic risk factors on the incidence of
postoperative thromboembolic disease (TEN) in patients indicated for
elective surgery for cancer in the abdomen.
NT 11176-6: Association of polymorphisms of platelet genes associated
with atherothrombosis in patients with venous thromboembolism.
NT 11335-6: Bone metabolism in patients with diabetes mellitus second
type: role of receptor for advanced glykalace products (RAGE) and its
gene polymorphisms.
NT 11210-4: Effect of centrifugal pumps to the systemic inflammatory
response and changes in blood cells in extracorporeal circulation with
deep hypothermia.
Tomas Kvasnicka, Ass. Prof. , MD., PhD. - Principal investigator
NT 11176-6: Association of polymorphisms of platelet genes associated
with atherothrombosis in patients with venous thromboembolism.
Tomas Kvasnicka, Doc., MD., PhD. – Co-investigator:
NT 13251-4: Impact of thrombophilic risk factors on the incidence of
postoperative thromboembolic disease (TEN) in patients indicated for
elective surgery for cancer in the abdomen.
RVO-VFN64165: Diagnosis and treatment of genetic disorders.
Joseph Karban, MD., PhD. - Co-investigator:
NT 12425-4: Standardized flow cytometry as a tool for rapid and
sensitive diagnosis in hematology - the introduction Euroflow protocols
in the Czech Republic.