Bacteriological laboratory


Focus: Bacteriological laboratory receives biological specimen, including blood cultures, based on indications of physicians. Investigation is complex - the microscopy and cultivation, quantitative methods if indicated (urine, respiratory secretion, and liquid specimens). When it is useful, anaerobic cultivation is performed. Bacteria are identified, typed and, if appropriate, the antibiotic sensitivity is determined (disk diffusion test or E-test). ICU patients - cardiac, hematologic, paediatric and neonatal - are monitored during investigation and the results of their investigation are compared (screening). We use the automatic system BacT/ALERT for blood cultures. Streptococcus pneumoniae antigen in urine and cerebrospinal fluid, Legionella pneumophila antigen in urine, Clostridium difficile antigen and toxins A/B and antigens of rotaviruses and adenoviruses in the faeces are investigated by rapid immunochromatografic analysis. Results of examinations are given in written form and regularly by phone.


Detailed informations, addresses, telephone contacts for laboratory staff are listed in the List of Laboratories

21.09.2012  |   jcerm  |   zpět na bacteriology