Instructions for Practical Lessons in Winter Semester


Safety Rules for Work in Student Laboratory

Practical Lesson No 1:
Introduction to work in chemical laboratory. Safety rules. Measuring volumes, centrifugation, filtration, dissolution, separation of substances from mixtures.
Instructions. Report form.

Practical Lesson No 2:
Qualitative analysis in inorganic chemistry: Reactions of cations and anions.
Theory. Instructions. Report form.

Practical Lesson No 3:
Quantitative analysis in chemistry: Titration curves, acid-base titration, argentometry.
Theory. Instructions. Report form.

Practical Lesson No 4:
Buffers, buffer capacity. Oxidation and reduction. Electrode processes.
Buffers. Electrochemistry. Instructions. Report form.

Practical Lesson No 5:
Reactions of functional groups of organic compounds. Basic organic reactions.
Theory. Instructions. Report form.

Practical Lesson No 6:
Spectrophotometry. Colored substances in chemistry and biochemistry. Pipetting.
Optical methods. Instructions. Report form.

Practical Lesson No 7:
Separation techniques: Thin-layer chromatography, gel filtration, dialysis.
Separation techniques. Instructions. Report form.

Practical Lesson No 8:
Proteins: Precipitation/denaturation, electrophoresis. 
Electrophoresis in biochemistry. Theory and instructions. Report form.

Practical Lesson No 9:
Specificity of enzymes, effect pH on enzyme activity. Oxidoreductases. Enzyme kinetics.
Theory and instructions. Report form.

Practical Lesson No 10:
DNA isolation.
Theory of DNA diagnostics (also for the next lesson). Instructions. Report form.

Practical Lesson No 11:
Restriction fragment length polymorphism.
Instructions. Report form.

Practical Lesson No 12:
Immunochemical methods. Principles. Instructions. Report form.

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