Projects and grants

We currently participate in the following research projects:

MH CZ DRO VFN 64165 (given by the Czech Ministry of Health)

Cooperatio Program, research area Medical Diagnostics and Basic Medical Sciences

AZV NU21-04-00100 (GH-21-04-00100-0-846): Targeting genomic diversity in primary and recurrent gliomas for further understanding of brain tumor pathogenesis

AZV NU21-08-00312: Investigation of clinically relevant substrates of proteasome degradation in MDS


Completed projects

COST EuGESMA (2010-2012):Instability of the genome of bone marrow cells of patients with AML and MDS (principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Kyra Michalová, PhD.; participation: Ass. Prof. Zuzana Zemanová, PhD.)

GACR P302/12/G157/1 (2012-2017): Dynamics and Organization of Chromosomes in the Cell Cycle and during Differentiation under Normal and Pathological Conditions (co-investigator - Prof. Ing. Kyra Michalová, PhD.; participation – Ass. Prof. Zuzana Zemanová)

IGA MZ CR NT13212-4/2012 (2012-2015): The implication of genomic changes in pathogenesis of low grade brain gliomas and their correlation with H-MRSI spectroscopy and histological analysis (principal investigator: Ass. Prof. Zuzana Zemanová, PhD.; participation: Prof. Ing. Kyra Michalová, PhD; Dr. Libuše Lizcová, PhD.

Program PRVOUK - P27/LF1/1 (2012-2022)

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