Projects and grants

MUDr. Lucie Muchová: IGA MZ ČR NR/11327-4 (2010-2013): Role of the Heme Oxygenase in the Pathogenesis of Cholestasis

Ing. Iva Subhanová: IGA MZ: 13092-4/2012: The Heme Catabolic Pathway in Chronic Hepatitis C.

Mgr. Tomáš Petr: GAUK 251207: The relationship between glycosphingolipids and heme oxygenase in rat liver in cholestasis.

Ing. Renata Koníčková: GAUK 52210 (2010-2012): Experimental study of potential antiangiogenic effects of phycocyanobilins.

Mgr. Jana Vaníková: (GAUK 556912): The role of early phototherapy in prevention of bilirubin encephalopathy

Mgr. Kateřina Vaňková: (GAUK 438911): Studium antiproliferativních účinků chlorofylu, anglicky: Study of antiproliferative effects of chlorophyll.
06.11.2012  |     |   zpět na Projects and grants